الاخبار الطبيه

pubis white layer

How do you treat Trichomycosis pubis?

How do you treat Trichomycosis pubis?

Treatment involves alleviating the hyperhidrosis through the use of drying agents. Topical antibiotics containing clindamycin, erythromycin, or fusidic acid are helpful and also treat the erythrasma that may be associated.

pubis white layer

A white layer in the pubis , called in the past by the following terms:

  • leukoplakia
  • kraurosis vulvae
  • senile vulvitis
  • Dystrophy

In order to describe the white-colored injury in the pubis, which is usually accompanied by itching and eventually leads to atrophy of the small pubic lips and narrowing of the vaginal opening.

Today these spots are called: superficial non-transformed carcinomas of the skin and pubic mucosa. This unusual name underscores the benign character of the disease.

Causes and risk factors of a white layer in the pubis

Injuries that cause  a white coating in the pubis :

1- lichen sclerosis

This disease usually appears among  women  over the age of 50, but it sometimes appears in girls and young females. Patients often turn to a doctor for help after itching and the resulting wounds, and to a lesser extent, after pubic pain or pain associated with sexual intercourse.

The infection appears in the form of white flats, which later unite in the form of wrinkled paper extending towards the anal opening.

Itching results in small subcutaneous bleeding sites. 

Edema of the clitoris may appear and the small lips disappear. And the opening of the vagina gets smaller.

Treatment: Clobetasol ointment 0.05% (Dermovate – Dermovate). The amount of ointment should be reduced two to three weeks after starting treatment or the medication should be replaced with a less strong steroid.

2- cortical cell thriving

At the other end of the range of non-malignant white spots in pubic skin is a squamous cell hyperplasia.

This injury appears specifically in the large lips and in the clitoris and is made up of thick epithelial cells.

This condition is not considered an identified disease but appears as a result of chronic irritation and irritation caused by the use of perfumed pads, soap or strong deodorant.

3- intertrigo

Chronic dermatitis caused by flat skin friction, in general, in the folds between the pubic lips and the inner side of the thigh.

Treatment is with the help of cleaning, wearing cotton underwear, drying, spraying a powder containing zinc and talc or a reduced-strength steroid.

4-   pubic intraepithelial carcinoma of cortical cell origin 

The causes of this cancer are human papilloma virus type 16 in girls, and smoking in older women.

 About 50% of women do not show symptoms. In the rest, the infection causes chronic itching, pain or a feeling of swelling. The affected layer may be white, red, dark or burnt.

Treatment : wide local excision of the injury and the surrounding skin, or applying 5-fluorouracil ointment (5FU 5% Efudex) with the aim of exfoliating the epithelial cells.

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